- Prepare comprehensive property evaluation and provide opinion of value for the subject property
- Complete market study and analytics relevant to current supply, demand and market trends
- Manage risk prior to entering into a binding contract and throughout escrow
- Identify the most significant features and benefits to emphasize in marketing and reinforce throughout negotiations
- Provide detailed plan of how to market the subject property to qualified buyers
- Advertise the subject property to the real estate community and qualified buyers
- Facilitate access for qualified buyers to view and evaluate the subject property
- Qualify potential buyers, co-operative brokers, lenders and evaluate the feasibility of proposed financing
- Anticipate deal killers prior to executing a contract
- Structure mutually agreeable terms and negotiate binding purchase and sale agreement in writing
- Introduce supporting service professionals to facilitate, inspections, remediation estimates, escrow, and specialty services
- Create solutions and negotiate compromise with all parties involved in escrow
- Unconditionally co-operate with the real estate community and the buying public
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